Parent + Child.

Nurturing Childhood

We are proud to offer three different programs for our youngest students and their caregiver. These programs are offered once a week and are the perfect start for parents and children to begin their gentle Waldorf journey.

Joyful Beginnings: Infants up to age 1 and their caregiver

Waldorf in the Woods: Toddlers confidently walking up to age 3 and their caregiver

Merrily We Meet: Children age 2 or 3 and their caregiver.

Please continue reading to learn more and register/apply for these wonderful programs that serve to nurture both children and their caregivers.

waldorf early childhood
waldorf infant play

Joyful Beginnings

This class is a warm welcome to Waldorf Education and provides a nourishing environment for babies from approximately four to 11 months and their caregivers. Adults can deepen their intuitive understanding of their infant’s development while practicing observation and simply “being with” their infant. Class begins with a tea time for caregivers, and an opportunity for informal conversation. There will be a chance to share the joys and challenges of the week as well as a quiet observation of the babies as they engage with their surroundings. Caregivers will learn songs, lullabies, and games that will engage and soothe their infants. Discussion topics may include the importance of daily rhythms, warmth and joy, movement in the young child’s development, sleep and nutrition. 

2024 Session Details:

Sessions will resume in September!

Ms. Connie teaches two year olds in Dunedin park in Waldorf in the Woods

Waldorf in the Woods

The Waldorf School of Tampa Bay has been an innovator in the forest school “children in nature” movement. For 100 years, Waldorf schools around the world have promoted the benefits of spending time in nature. Waldorf in the Woods provides a living experience of observation and free play in an outdoor setting.

Throughout the year, Waldorf in the Woods children and their caregivers marvel at the wonder and beauty of nature as they journey through woodland trails, and immerse themselves in the butterfly garden. Our outdoor classroom will be based at Dunedin’s Hammock Park with our own shelter and plenty to explore!

Together we celebrate the seasons of the year through songs and rhymes, organic herb teas, puppet stories, simple festivals and crafting using the gifts of nature.  Families seeking experiences that nourish the senses and warm the soul can find refuge in this environment, which strives to incorporate the beautiful surroundings, quiet observation, and reverence for both the parent and child’s joyful wonder-filled journey.

Summer Session Details:

A mini, 4-week session will be offered in June and is Now Enrolling!

Mondays or Wednesdays in June, 9:30am - 11:30am

Scotsdale Park, Dunedin

4 sessions, $250

WinWoods Fall session will begin in September and runs through December, 2024.

Merrily We Meet

Merrily We Meet is the name that captures the heart and soul of our on-campus Parent and Child program. Classes meet once a week, and toddlers who are ages 2 and 3, and their caregiver, enjoy a peaceful morning with friends enriched with song, verse, snack and play.

Through bread making and sharing of a wholesome snack, children are enveloped in the warmth of community spirit.  Handwork projects for the adults enrich our experience of the seasons.  Time spent outside with Mother Nature allows us to experience her magic and beauty with wonder.  Through age-appropriate songs and stories, teachers assist parents in creating a healthy and harmonious rhythm for their child’s day.  With joy and laughter, parents and children celebrate this time of togetherness, while expanding their social circle with like-minded souls.

2024 Session Details:

MWM will resume in September with a Fall session that runs through December.

Stay tuned for more information and application deadlines.

This program requires an application, as children who complete MWM track to the WSTB Preschool programs.

A non-refundable $75 application fee is due at the time of submission.

Applicants who have not participated in Waldorf in the Woods or have an enrolled sibling will need to have an in-person interview.

Acceptance into the Merrily We Meet Program is based on application dates, the child’s developmental needs, and parental support/interest in the Waldorf educational philosophy. 

“Wisdom begins with wonder.”

— Socrates